emma’s secret


Barbara Taylor Bradford’s novel Emma’s Secret about Emma Woodhouse a twenty year old resident of the village of Woodbury , on Highbury. She convinces herself that she is  a natural matchmaker.Since she is successful in matching her Governess with Mr. Weston.

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Emma’s Secret


Barbara Taylor Bradford’s  novel Emma’s Secret; about twenty year old Emma Woodhouse a resident of Woodbury. As far as she is concerned , she is the official matchmaker of the village. Since she successfully matched Mr. Weston with her Governess, she claims the title of matchmaker. Not to mention the fact that she now find a a match for her friend Harriet. In her mind Harriet deserves a better person than the one she has . She will marry Mr Elton , the Vicar and be a gentleman’s wife. Meanwhile she  persuades Harriet to reject the proposal of Robert Martin a well to do farmer for whom Harriet has feelings.  So the question  remains Is Emma a Matchmaker , a busybody or a village rooster? Read on , buy the book now

Emma's Secret , a noel by Barbara Taylor Bradford, available at thebookchateau.com
emma’s secret