norman rockwell


norman rockwell’s christmas book contains stories, poems, carols and recollections of christmas by world-famous authors.

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a norman rockwell christmas hardcover book,in good cindition , available at thebookchateau.comNorman Rockwell’s

Christmas Book

Norman Rockwell’s Christmas Book contains stories, poems, carols and reflections of Christmas by world-famous authors. “Christmas comes, but once a year, a Christmas book like this comes once in a lifetime” is the manner in which the book is introduced.

Needless to say, as you go through the pages you will enjoy “not only stories and poems but the words and music of many songs”. Contributions include great names and titles as William Shakespeare, Langston Hughes, Louisa May Alcott, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, and Fannie Merritt Farmer’s Christmas Dinner.

The numerous pictures and illustrations is the work of one of America’s most loved artist Norman Rockell. In addition, this book is created by Molly Rockwell (Norman Rockwell’s wife) one of the finest all-time editors. Get this book now. Don’t wait for Christmas!