no love lost


No Love Lost a novel by Helen Van Slyke, about a family beset by marital problems.Howard and Pauline Thresher almost had it all . A beautiful apartment ,at a world class address, fifth avenue in Manhattan New York, lovely children. Yet they were so unhappy.

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NO Love Lost

Helen Van Slyke’s novel No Love Lost, about the marital problems of a family. Howard and Pauline Thresher are materially well off, a nice apartment, money and power. However they constantly quarrel. Needless to say the children are bothered by the constant fights and quarrels.For better of for worse Pauline has filed for divorce she is ending her 20 year marriage on the grounds of cold and controlling treatment. What about the children ?

NO Love Lost a novel by Helen Van Slyke ,available at the book chateau.comno love lost