the adventures of augie march


Saul Bellows Novel The Adventures of Augie March; About a young man without a vision, who wonders around aimlessly. Often getting into trouble.

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The Adventures of Augie March


Saul Bellows novel The Adventures of Augie March about a young man, aimless, rolling stone approach to life. He grows up in the decades before and during the great depression. At this time there is an economic downturn. (1929-1933). He is born into poverty and raised by a mother with health problems. She has problems with her sight. Augie also has two brothers Simon also call Grandma and George that is mentally challenged. As a teen he becomes a menace, hanging around with the wrong people. Also get involve in crime. At teenage he changed somewhat, gets a job taking care of a paralyzed man name Einhorn, but the crash wiped out his money and Argie had to go. Again, he is a victim of circumstance. Again, failed by society. Read on finish this story. buy the book now.

The Adventures of Augie March a rare novel by Saul Bellow, available at
the adventures of Augie March