edgar allan poe complete tales and poems


Edgar Alan Poe Complete Tales And Poems . Poet , writer , short story writer  and businessman. He was born in. Boston , Mass.January 19,1809 to Elizabeth Arnold Hopkins Poe and David Poe. His father deserted the family and his mother died when he was three. He was taken in by John and Frances Allen, wealthy citizens of Richmond, Virginia. They had no children. He attended college but he had personal set backs. However his interest in writing and poetry grew.

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Edgar Allan Poe Complete Tales and Poems. A poet, a writer, a literary critic, a romantic and not to mention self-made. He graduated college, but because he lost his parents early, he had to deal with that problem. Also, other personal issues including romantic pain. However not withstanding his life’s trials, did not hinder his success in writing.  His first poem in this book ‘O Temporal! OMores! ” is a testament to his determination.


Edgar Allan Poe complete Tales and Poems,available at thebookchateau.com